Inclusion Statement

Last updated 31/07/2023

I am so very proud to be the only Virtual Business Manager in Aotearoa New Zealand who is dedicated to working with women and queer folk. 

My commitment is to amplify voices, challenge norms, and foster a more equitable, supportive and respectful business landscape. 

I stand for inclusivity, integrity, and empowerment.

My business is a safe place, where you can show up as your authentic self. I’ve got your back!

I’m acutely aware that no community is homogenous, and while some people (myself included) identify with the term “queer” many others don’t align with it, for a variety of reasons.
There is no one term that 100% of humans will be happy with, so this aims to include anyone queer, LGBTQIA+, gender-diverse, non-binary, Rainbow identifying - and many others I haven’t listed.